Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tegrity users, ‘hits’ increasing

Dr. Chad Kjorlein, director, Instructional Technology, has completed a mid-year update on Tegrity.

Two important data points emerge: 1) we are growing our base of users and 2) they are using it more frequently (measured in hits to the Tegrity server) and for longer durations (measured in hours). The most important data point emerging from the data is the fact that 1,128 unique individual utilized Tegrity this past semester. While there are small amounts of growth in our graduate and alternative Tegrity content areas, the primary growth continues to be in undergraduate courses.

He invites faculty to drop him a line with successful examples from the past semester.

Another important data point is the top student-viewed faculty. These are last semester’s “Top 5 Faculty” on the duration and frequency variables for highest student use.

Duration in hours: 1. Deb Martin (327 hours) 2. Jeff Hefel 3. Jaime Mueller 4. Randy Krainock and 5. Larry Price. Frequency (hits) 1. Henry Leckenby (676 times) 2. Jeff Hefel 3. Larry Price 4. Debra Martin 5. Kevin Dennis